Why Choose Comfort Procedures for Your Vasectomy?

While our clinic is located in Richardson, men all over the Dallas – Fort Worth area come to our clinic looking for a permanent and affordable form of birth control. Vasectomy is a quick, safe, and affordable option that is highly effective. Our no-scalpel, no-needle, open-ended vasectomy minimizes the risk of complications, has a quick recovery period (with no stitches), and reduces your discomfort level after the procedure.

At Comfort Procedures vasectomy clinic, you’ll receive the best medical attention from professional providers. Your comfort is our top priority and we know that this is an important decision so we do our best at making you as comfortable as possible – before, during, and after the surgery.

Call us at 469 931 0684 and let’s get your appointment set up today.

Knowledgeable support staff are ready to answer any questions and provide post-procedure support. You only need about 30 minutes for the consult and the procedure. Only one visit is needed which reduces your time away from work or family and our pricing is quite affordable as well.

Once your vasectomy is complete (after the post-op semen analysis confirms there is no sperm in your system) you will never have to pay for – or remember to use – any other birth control devices again. No longer will you need to be concerned about an unexpected pregnancy. If you already know your family is perfect just the way it is, vasectomy is the best and most effective choice for permanent birth control.

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9 Reasons to Choose Comfort Procedures Dallas

  1. Vasectomy: No scalpel, no needle method means comfortable healing and fast recovery.
  2. Open-ended vasectomy technique: Greatly reduced post-procedure pain and discomfort.
  3. Experienced vasectomy doctor: Performing vasectomies since 2012. Vasectomy and circumcision is all we do.
  4. Single office visit: Same-day consultation and procedure (about 30 minutes)!
  5. Affordable vasectomy: We do our best to keep vasectomy cost-effective and accessible.
  6. No follow ups required: We are here if you need us but this is almost never necessary with our clinic.
  7. No female assistant: Just Dr. McAuliff is in the room.
  8. No metal clips used: No objects remain in your scrotum!

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Vasectomy is 99.9% Effective for Birth Control

Get my vasectomy at Comfort Procedures DallasIt’s not very common to find a family who does not use any form of birth control. The options can be overwhelming: condoms, sponges, shots, IUD. It’s up to the couple to make the decision regarding how many children they want to conceive.

Each year half million men in the US – 500,000  – choose vasectomy as a permanent form of birth control.   Vasectomy is one of the safest and most cost-effective methods of birth control available. In terms of surgical options – it is significantly less complex and invasive than procedures available for women.

The effectiveness of birth control methods is measured by two numbers: 1) perfect use and 2) typical use. Perfect use takes the human component out of the equation. Typical use puts people back in.  For example, the perfect use number for birth control pills puts them at 99.7% effective rate in preventing pregnancy.  The typical use number is only 92%. That’s because women sometimes miss a pill or forget to take them at the same time every day.

It’s estimated that over one million unplanned pregnancies a year result from typical use of oral contraceptives.  If you know your current family is exactly the right size, why would you take that risk?

Contraception for Men

Contraception methods vary greatly. But there is one consistent factor in their design: the intended users are women.

The only real offering designed for men to practice contraception is the condom.  The numbers on that? With perfect use, it’s 98% effective in preventing pregnancy. Typical use, 85% effective.

vasectomy is the best birth control for me in DFWThis for a product that most men, and a large number of women, say is detrimental to intimate and pleasurable intercourse. According to Men’s Health, 1 in 4 men lose their erection while putting one on, but the only other option for men who want to avoid impregnating their partner is withdrawal prior to ejaculation.

The withdrawal method is like Russian roulette.  One in every four ejaculations during intercourse risks an unwanted pregnancy.

Not only is premature withdrawal an extreme deterrent for men’s pleasure in intercourse, it’s extremely unrealistic in preventing an unwanted pregnancy.  Based on typical use numbers, it’s only 73% effective.

The reality is that birth control for men who want to ensure against an unwanted pregnancy is just not available. Vasectomy is a safe, simple and affordable solution for men to take control of their sexual interactions.

Permanent Birth Control

Imagine the improvement in your sex life if you no longer needed to worry about birth control?  No fumbling in the nightstand drawer to find a condom.  No last-minute insertion of a diaphragm.

Vasectomy is the simplest way for men take control of their sexual experience, in terms of pleasure, performance and outcome. No wondering if your wife took her pill.  No more worrying about broken condoms. Vasectomy is permanent birth control that puts men back in the driver’s seat by eliminating the possibility of a pregnancy.

What a relief that would be! And not just for men, but for their partners as well.

At Comfort Procedures Dallas, we perform hundreds of  no-scalpel, no needle, open-ended vasectomies for men in the Dallas Fort Worth area.  Over and over, we hear our patients tell us that their sex lives have improved – more spontaneity, more frequency and more intimacy. Any secret worries they had about desire or performance were totally unfounded.

The less obvious benefit from vasectomy is sparing your spouse or partner from undergoing the equivalent surgery for women. Tubal ligation is considered major surgery and requires hospitalization.

Should your partner get pregnant there is also a risk of ectopic pregnancies which is a significant cause of mortality and morbidity in woman. The table below compares some common birth control options to help you and your family decide how to move forward.

Common Questions About Vasectomy

Q. Will I still want to have to sex?
A.  There’s no change in sexual performance or desire. Vasectomy doesn’t affect testosterone either. Most men who’ve had them report increased sexual satisfaction for themselves and their partners.

Q. Is the procedure permanent?
A. Vasectomies can sometimes be reversed but we don’t encourage that thinking. You should consider this a permanent procedure.

Q. What if we change our minds and want to have more kids?
A.If you are not sure that your family is right-sized, you should probably wait until you are certain.  Both you and your partner should be on the same page.

Q. Will my penis or testicles look different afterwards?
A. Not at all.  The single puncture we use is so small it doesn’t even require stitches.

Q. How soon can I have sex?
A. We recommend one week.  Also, be aware that there is still sperm in your system. You will need to use birth control until it your lab tests come back negative at 90 days post procedure.

Q. My wife is willing to have her tubes tied, why shouldn’t she?
A. It’s not that she shouldn’t – that’s up to your family. Perhaps the question to ask is why would she need to go through major surgery? Especially when a vasectomy serves the same purpose without hospitalization or general anesthesia. Also with vasectomy, you can always test your semen to ensure sterility. Not so with tubal ligation.  You never really know if it’s still working. There is also a higher risk of ectopic pregnancy should tubal ligation fail and she get pregnant – a high cause of female mortality and morbidity.

Q. Is vasectomy affordable?
A.  Yes. It is a one-time expenditure. No more paying for pills, shots, condoms, spermicide or sponges. Not to mention the cost of an unplanned pregnancy.

Vasectomy Tubal Ligation BC Pills Condoms
Procedure in-office  in hospital pharmacy stores
Recovery Time 2-3 days 7 days N/A N/A
 Side Effects Temporary swelling
or Abdominal discomfort
Slight risk of infection
bleeding, mortality 4 per 100,000
Irregular periods
stroke, blood clots.
Skin allergy
Perfect Use* n/a n/a  99.7%  98%
Typical Use* n/a n/a  92%  85%
 99.9% Effective YES No No No
Cost One-time One-time On-going On-going

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Don’t Wait – Schedule Your Vasectomy Today

The Comfort Procedures Dallas vasectomy clinic offers a solution that men and their partners have been looking for – permanent birth control without the use of pills, condoms or IUDs. Vasectomy is an affordable, safe and 99.9% effective method of avoiding an unwanted pregnancy.

You’ll be amazed what it will do for your sex life once that worry is lifted!